Spanish Club sign ups are due today!
5th grade orchestra is coming together at MIS! This is the first time they've all been in one room after a week of learning how to hold their instruments and being the first group in our new program is quite literally making history! Way to go, Rockets!
Friendly reminder: tomorrow is an early dismissal day!
Mrs Frainey’s 5th grade class at MIS has been busy showing off their math skills, converting unit to standard form!
Ms. Hentsch’s class knows that presenting in front of the class can be scary sometimes, but not when you have a cool little microphone!!
4th grade reporters got to interview one of the characters from the story they just finished!
Friendly reminder: no school on Monday, September 5!
Reminder: Dippin’ Dots order forms & payment for the Mokena Music Boosters fundraiser are due TOMORROW!
In PE, MIS students have been working on their teamwork and communication skills with a game called “Cross The River”!
Students at MIS “believe in their selfie”!
Our 5th grade students had a chance to try out a few strings instruments this evening at the MIS Back to School Night. We are looking forward to our newly formed orchestra program to begin!
Bus stop information is now available in Skyward!
The staff at MES, MIS, and MJHS are ready to start the school year tomorrow!
Bus information is now available in Skyward! Please send any questions to
Teacher Institute Day is underway! We’re so excited to have our staff together again!
Thank you to our wonderful substitute teachers for joining us today for substitute teacher training with Dr. Cohen and the administrative team!
Our substitute teachers are essential to keeping learning going for our students throughout the year. If you are interested in substitute teaching in our district, please apply at:
Today is "Find Your Way Day" at MIS from 6:00-7:00 PM! We look forward to seeing our students and families finding their way through the hallways tonight!
Don't forget to also join us at MIS next week for "Back to School Night" on 8/17 for 4th Grade and 8/18 for 5th Grade!
If you see a Mokena bus driving by today, wave "hello" to our new staff members as they tour our schools and community!
Beep Beep! Three of our new buses arrived today! We can't wait to pick up our students in them very soon! Be on the lookout for bus stop information at the end of next week!
Here’s the most updated school calendar!
The new sidewalks at MIS are coming in nicely!