Pink Day at MIS for October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

We are SO grateful for our incredible bus drivers! Thank you for all that you do!

Today’s the day! Don’t miss what’s sure to be a fang-tastic adults’ night of trivia — with a special round of Halloween questions in the mix.
Snag your ticket here: (walk-ins are welcome too): https://mokenapta.ticketspice.com/2022-mokena-pta-music-boosters-trivia-night”

Check out Ms. Hentsch's Star Students!

Friendly reminder: tomorrow is an early dismissal day!

Reminder: no school on Monday!

Reminder: no school on Monday! Enjoy the long weekend!

Reminder: no school tomorrow!

Mrs. Sweeney’s 5th graders made tiny oceans to test whether or not there is actually salt in the ocean and why we can’t see the salt that is there! Great work, Rockets!

Yesterday was National Custodian Workers Day! Our incredible buildings and grounds team works tirelessly to keep our schools safe and shiny! Thank you!

Spanish Club sign ups are due today!

5th grade orchestra is coming together at MIS! This is the first time they've all been in one room after a week of learning how to hold their instruments and being the first group in our new program is quite literally making history! Way to go, Rockets!

Friendly reminder: tomorrow is an early dismissal day!

Mrs Frainey’s 5th grade class at MIS has been busy showing off their math skills, converting unit to standard form!

Ms. Hentsch’s class knows that presenting in front of the class can be scary sometimes, but not when you have a cool little microphone!!
4th grade reporters got to interview one of the characters from the story they just finished!

Friendly reminder: no school on Monday, September 5!

Reminder: Dippin’ Dots order forms & payment for the Mokena Music Boosters fundraiser are due TOMORROW!

In PE, MIS students have been working on their teamwork and communication skills with a game called “Cross The River”!

Students at MIS “believe in their selfie”!

Our 5th grade students had a chance to try out a few strings instruments this evening at the MIS Back to School Night. We are looking forward to our newly formed orchestra program to begin!