Continual work in this goal has been a major focus of the district and will continue to be throughout the life of the Strategic Plan. Some highlights of the ongoing and completed work in this goal include: -English Language Learner (ELL) program review conducted by ELL teachers and Administrative Team which included the strengthening of our programming models and processes for monitoring exited students -Multilingual Guidebook created by above committee that outlines district wide programming models, procedures, and expectations -Interventionists reviewed current instructional materials and resources for reading and math intervention classes and have added materials for both content areas based on the needs of students -Addition of teachers within our Interventions, Special Education, and ELL departments based on student needs -Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) staff committee created district wide processes and procedures for interventions which includes the development and publication of a staff MTSS Guidebook to ensure consistent practices from school to school -Creation of three year school-based MTSS improvement plans based on above guidebook -Strengthening of differentiated practices for all students in reading and math through professional development -Special Education programming review conducted with recommendations for furthering the department’s work -Special Education Steering Committee formed to utilize recommendations and currently planning for next steps in improvement
about 4 hours ago, Mokena School District 159
goal 2a
Looking for a fun family event this weekend? The Lincoln-Way ArtWorks Festival is Saturday from 10-3 at Lincoln-Way East. Many of our students will have art on display in addition to hands-on workshops, music, and more!
about 7 hours ago, Mokena School District 159
Art Festival
Mrs. Hentsch's 4th grade students are learning about the Midwest's climate and how the geography of the Midwest affected those who lived here long ago. Students are using their learning to begin to plan for their "Midwest Road Trip" Inquiry Project together!
1 day ago, Mokena School District 159
4th grade social studies
4th grade social studies
4th grade social studies
The Superintendent leads an annual evaluation of staffing needs to maintain equitable and appropriate class sizes and supports for student learning needs, while remaining within budget guidelines. Highlights of this work include: -Annually monitor spending by student through building based budgeting and site based accounting -Annual evaluation of staffing needs for core and non-core staff based on school and student needs -Yearly staffing recommendations presentation provided to the Board of Education based on above evaluation
2 days ago, Mokena School District 159
goal 4b
Join the PTA on Tuesday for their school board candidate meet and greet!
3 days ago, Mokena School District 159
meet and greet
Our district has conducted ongoing work on this goal area to ensure all students are engaged in rigorous curricular programming as well as extending opportunities for advanced learners. Below are highlights of this work: -Curriculum program adoptions for ELA and Math were all centered around the alignment to the rigorous Illinois learning standards -Updated information and procedures for the district’s Accelerated Placement Programs were made available on the district website -Reviewed MJHS Math Enrichment Course criteria and expanded additional sections for these courses -Partnered with Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development to conduct a district review on advanced learning needs in our district which included staff, student, and parent feedback -Convened a District Task Force that utilized Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development’s report to identify, plan for, and strengthen opportunities within the district for advanced learners -The Board of Education approved the Task Force’s recommendations to expand advanced learner programming across the district starting in the 2025-2026 school year -Professional development for staff focused on differentiation and instructional practices for advanced learners
5 days ago, Mokena School District 159
strategic plan
⭐ Attention 2025-2026 kindergarten families! Please save the date for kindergarten informational night! ⭐
6 days ago, Mokena School District 159
save the date
Last week, our 4th graders had the wonderful experience of squid dissection as part of our science curriculum and connection to our ELA curriculum module on animal defense mechanisms. We brought in a "squid-pert" to lead the engaging activity. We want to thank Frank's Shrimp and Chicken for donating all of the fresh squid for the activity!
6 days ago, Mokena School District 159
squid dissection
squid dissection
squid dissection
Thank you to the Mokena Fire Protection District and Fire Marshal Tom Murray for providing members of our staff with important CPR training throughout the day. We appreciate your partnership and support!
7 days ago, Mokena School District 159
CPR Training
Goal 3A: The district has developed a Facilities Master Plan to organize, prioritize, and forecast maintenance and infrastructure projects. Funds from the 2019 referendum are utilized to pay for these critical projects to ensure our schools are “warm, safe, and dry”. In addition to the many projects at individual schools, below are project highlights that have occurred in all three schools: -Renovations or replacements of HVAC systems -Updated and expanded parking lots -Improved sidewalks -Tuckpointing and building envelope work -Exchanged exterior door locks and added multiple keyless entry points -Expanded security coverage with additional interior and exterior cameras
7 days ago, Mokena School District 159
strategic plan
MIS students are taking part in Respect Week ! This week is for schools across Illinois to celebrate inclusion, acceptance, and respect for all abilities. MIS Student Council has planned activities throughout the week to celebrate. A few of these include signing a banner pledging respect, wearing different colors throughout the week to show support and awareness, and frienship bracelets representing kindness and inclusion.
8 days ago, Mokena School District 159
Respect Week
Respect Week
Respect Week
Respect Week
Friendly reminder, tomorrow is an early dismissal day!
8 days ago, Mokena 159
early dismissal
The Human Resources Coordinator in conjunction with the Superintendent and the Administrative Team have developed a set of resources and processes for the onboarding of new employees. Highlights of Goal 4C’s work include: -A new hire onboarding process for all new staff members led by the HR Coordinator that includes completion of paperwork, review of policy and procedures, and an explanation of all benefits -Substitute teacher onboarding process including the review and receipt of a newly designed district substitute teacher handbook -Yearly substitute teacher orientation that provides substitutes with information regarding the district, policies, and procedures -Three day New Staff Orientation in August that includes learning about district department supports, meeting mentor teachers, curriculum and instruction training, time with building principals, and our infamous district bus tour -Two year mentoring program for new certified staff members
9 days ago, Mokena School District 159
New Staff 2024
Happy School Social Workers Week! Join us in celebrating our district's dedicated social workers who play a pivotal role in enhancing the well-being and success of our students!
9 days ago, Mokena School District 159
thank you!
Our teachers continue to inspire their students years later! Ms. Fuessel was one of Mr. Roberts' 5th grade math students in 2008. They are back together again, this time she is his student teacher! #growingourown #futureteachers
10 days ago, Mokena School District 159
Strengthening the district’s website as a means of communication and information has been a continued goal over the past several years. Accomplishments within this goal include: -Launch of brand new, modernized website -Regular review and update of website contents including school sites and department specific pages -Survey sent to families seeking input on website and adjustments made based on the trends in survey data -Sought feedback from Parent Advisory Committee on how to make the website more user friendly and efficient for parents -Addition of transparency page to include a one stop place for information on contracts, financial reports, tax levy, budgets, audits, bids, and grants. -Linked district and school calendars with important dates and events
12 days ago, Mokena School District 159
goal 5a
Our 4th graders had a wonderful experience as part of our science curriculum, squid dissection. We brought in a squid-pert to lead the engaging activity. We want to thank Frank's Shrimp and Chicken for donating all of the fresh squid for the activity.
12 days ago, Mokena Intermediate School
📣 Thank you for celebrating National Public Schools Week with us! Our schools shape the future! With your continued support, we will prepare our students for success! Drop a 💚to show your support for Mokena SD 159! #PSW25
12 days ago, Mokena School District 159
Public Schools Week
🌍 Public schools are more than classrooms! From family events to partnerships with local organizations, public schools bring people together. Share a story of how your school has made a difference in the community! #PSW25#PSW25
13 days ago, Mokena School District 159
Public Schools Week
Mokena School District 159 has made substantial efforts to improve the appearance and cleanliness of all three schools. We are proud to share a few highlights of this work: -Ongoing painting projects in each building to modernize the look of the schools’ interiors using a dedicated color palette -Exterior soffit and lintel work at each school -Painting and repair work to the exterior doors and windows of each school -Annual landscaping and exterior maintenance beautification projects -Cleanliness report cards completed by building principals to provide feedback on school custodial services and cleaning -Improved flooring at all three schools including repair and replacement of broken tile, replacement of carpet, and updated flooring
14 days ago, Mokena School District 159
Goal 3B